Thursday, April 17, 2008

Pai, Thailand

The owner of my guesthouse said to me today, "Ha ha, you no wet today!" because every other time he's seen me, i've been soaking wet from little thai punks throwing buckets of water on me. songkran is finally over!! it does feel nice to get cool with the water, but 5 days of getting slammed was a bit much. last night i ate the best meal i've had in thailand so far: grilled pork in red curry with rice. this very nice american couple kept talking to me from their table, and usually i welcome company at meals, but this time i was just thinking "shut up and let me concentrate on my curry!"

My parents are going to kill me when they hear this but....I rented a motorbike today and drove through the mountains! and yes, i wore a helmet. i also stopped at every buddhist temple along the way and prayed for a safe trip. it was scary, because i'd never rode a motor bike before and wasn't sure i'd be able to hack it, but i did it! by the end of the trip (i drove for like 6 hours all around Pai) i was actually pretty good. i don't think i'll do it again any time soon but it really felt like an adventure. the mountains here are lovely but i think i'm visiting them in the wrong season because it is just so damn hot here. the ground is baked, the grass is fried, and everything -plants, animals, people- looks exhausted.

1 comment:

Aunt Mary said...

The food sounds very good! But since I’m afraid of heights I wouldn’t have done too well on the motor bike. Visiting all of those temples must have been very interesting – and the bike was probably the coolest way to go. Sounds like you’re having a grand time! Do EVERYTHING - you only live once!