Wednesday, June 20, 2007

getting pumped

whenever i read the comments in the "inspiration" section of BootsNAll I feel like I need to be traveling RIGHT NOW! it's just that moving and inspiring. i spent all day today researching the new zealand part of my trip and I will probably spend most of tomorrow doing the same thing.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Yahoo News is reading my mind!

this is basically the condensed message in the book that inspired me to take time off to travel: "Vagabonding: A Guide to the Art of Long-Term Travel" by Rolf Potts. It's a fantastic book. Whenever I debate buying something that I don't really need, I think of this book and realize that, yeah, I would rather spend this money on hiking in New Zealand or taking a train through Thailand than on a new pair of jeans.

Speaking of hiking in New Zealand, I just found this very enticing travel company. Just looking at the pictures makes me want to leave right now!

The only traveling I've done recently is to Lanesboro, MN. But that's okay, because it's the most adorable small town ever. I missed their "Prairie Home Companion" rhubarb festival there by one weekend! I don't really like rhubarb, but I do like Garrison Keillor. Anyway, my friends and I biked 25 miles along the Root River Bike Trail and ate some amazing vegetarian pesto pizza. I wanted to stop at Whalan, MN's "World Famous" Pie Shoppe, but I settled for ice cream instead. A good weekend!